

UAFS academic programs are designed to prepare students to apply for applicable licensure in 阿肯色州 and may not meet education requirements for a license in another state. UAFS makes every effort to ensure information about educational requirements for licensure information is current; however, licensure regulations are frequently revised. 

In compliance with current federal regulations, UAFS has provided the following information about whether a student’s successful completion of our program enables or qualifies them to take professional licensing 考试 necessary to practice their chosen professional 纪律.  

Prospective students should keep in mind that licensing authorization requirements vary by state and relocating to another state during the course of a program could impact whether they can continue in the course, meet eligibility requirements of that 州,和/或接受财政援助资金. 考虑搬迁的学生 their academic program are encouraged to speak with the program contact listed below to check for authorization and licensure eligibility requirements.

Programs listed are housed in the College of Business and Industry (CBI) or College 卫生、教育和人文科学(CHEHS).  




CPA licensure may not be required for employment as an accountant, but it is an expectation in professional firms offering accounting services to the public. 所有的你.S. 州 and territories require applicants for Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensure 完成150学时的课程. 这个要求包括120小时 大多数会计学位都需要. 许可证将需要额外的学分 beyond those taken to meet degree requirements for the UAFS菲律宾十大网赌网站学士.

Additional requirements for CPA professional certification vary by state and typically 要求比成功完成学位更多. 申请注册会计师执照的毕业生 may need to satisfy other requirements such as work experience or specific state-required 注册会计师统一考试以外的考试.

Information on requirements by state and contact information for state accountancy 板子可以在 美国注册会计师协会网站. Students interested in obtaining CPA licensure should check with the applicable state accountancy board to confirm certification requirements. ​

状态 信息披露 州执照委员会 项目联系
阿拉巴马州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree meets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿拉巴马州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
阿拉斯加 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree meets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿拉斯加公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
亚利桑那州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  亚利桑那州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
阿肯色州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿肯色州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
加州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  加州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
科罗拉多州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  科罗拉多州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
康涅狄格 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  康涅狄格消费者保护部 Dr. Latisha Settlage
特拉华州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  特拉华州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
哥伦比亚特区 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   哥伦比亚特区 Board of Accountancy 消费者信息rmation Dr. Latisha Settlage
佛罗里达 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   注册公共会计佛罗里达分部 Dr. Latisha Settlage
乔治亚州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  乔治亚州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
夏威夷 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  夏威夷公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
爱达荷州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  爱达荷州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
伊利诺斯州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  伊利诺伊州考试委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
印第安纳州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   印第安纳州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
爱荷华州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  爱荷华州会计审查委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
堪萨斯 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  堪萨斯州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
肯塔基州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  肯塔基州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
路易斯安那州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   路易斯安那州注册会计师委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
缅因州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  缅因州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
马里兰 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  马里兰州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
麻萨诸塞州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  马萨诸塞州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
密歇根 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  密歇根州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
明尼苏达州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  明尼苏达州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
密西西比州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  密西西比州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
密苏里州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  密苏里州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
蒙大拿 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  蒙大拿州公共会计师委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
内布拉斯加州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   内布拉斯加州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
新汉普郡 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  新罕布什尔州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
内华达 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  内华达州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
新泽西 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   新泽西州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
新墨西哥 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  新墨西哥州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
纽约 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  纽约州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
北卡罗莱纳 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  北卡罗来纳州注册会计师考试委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
北达科他 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   北达科他州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
俄亥俄州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  俄亥俄州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
俄克拉何马州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  俄克拉荷马州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
俄勒冈州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   俄勒冈州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
宾西法尼亚 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   宾夕法尼亚州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
罗德岛州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  罗德岛会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
南卡罗来纳 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   南卡罗来纳州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
南达科塔州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   南达科他州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
田纳西州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  田纳西州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
德州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  德州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
犹他州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  犹他州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
佛蒙特州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  佛蒙特州公共会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
维吉尼亚州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  弗吉尼亚会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
华盛顿 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  华盛顿州会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
西维吉尼亚州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  西弗吉尼亚会计委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
威斯康辛州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  威斯康星州会计审查委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage
    怀俄明 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  怀俄明州注册会计师委员会 Dr. Latisha Settlage

The 菲律宾十大网赌网站 UAS program has earned FAA UAS - CTI status. This designation is given to institutions of higher education that have met the criteria for unmanned aviation training programs per Section 631 of the FAA Reauthorization 2018年法案.

This program meets the licensure requirements in all 州. 

For more information please contact UAFS faculty member 加里Cude.

Requirements for teacher licensure vary by state and may involve more than successful 完成程度. Graduates who apply for licensure may need to satisfy other requirements such as completing an application, paying a fee, and passing associated state licensure 考试. Completion of an education licensure program offered through an 阿肯色州 institution may not qualify a graduate to obtain a teaching license in any other state, but many 各州为阿肯色州的教育工作者提供互惠待遇. 

The following UAFS programs are approved by the 阿肯色州 Division of Higher Education 以及阿肯色州教育部. 成功完成这些课程的学生 and pass all associated state licensure 考试 are eligible to be recommended for 阿肯色州 教育许可.

Nursing programs offered by the UAFS College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences 是由阿肯色州护理委员会批准的吗. 毕业后,学生是 qualified to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN)成为注册护士. 有兴趣获得注册的学生 nursing license in another state should check with the applicable licensing authority 在那种状态下. 

状态 信息披露 州执照委员会 项目联系
阿拉巴马州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿拉巴马州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
阿拉斯加 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿拉斯加牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
亚利桑那州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  亚利桑那州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
阿肯色州 The program satisfies educational requirements for licensure. 阿肯色州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
加州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  加州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
科罗拉多州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  科罗拉多州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
康涅狄格 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  康涅狄格州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
特拉华州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  牙科及口腔卫生委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
哥伦比亚特区 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   DC牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
佛罗里达 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   佛罗里达牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
乔治亚州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  乔治亚州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
夏威夷 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  夏威夷州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
爱达荷州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  爱达荷州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
伊利诺斯州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  伊利诺斯州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
印第安纳州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   印第安纳州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
爱荷华州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  爱荷华牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
堪萨斯 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  堪萨斯州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
肯塔基州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  肯塔基州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
路易斯安那州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   路易斯安那州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
缅因州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  缅因州牙科执业委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
马里兰 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  马里兰州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
麻萨诸塞州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  马萨诸塞州牙医注册委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
密歇根 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  密歇根牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
明尼苏达州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  明尼苏达州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
密西西比州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  密西西比州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
密苏里州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  密苏里牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
蒙大拿 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  蒙大拿州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
内布拉斯加州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   内布拉斯加州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
新汉普郡 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  新罕布什尔州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
内华达 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  内华达州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
新泽西 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   新泽西州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
新墨西哥 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  新墨西哥牙科保健委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
纽约 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  纽约州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
北卡罗莱纳 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  北卡罗来纳州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
北达科他 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   北达科他州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
俄亥俄州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  俄亥俄州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
俄克拉何马州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  俄克拉荷马州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
俄勒冈州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   俄勒冈州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
宾西法尼亚 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   宾夕法尼亚州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
罗德岛州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  罗得岛牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
南卡罗来纳 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   南卡罗来纳牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
南达科塔州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   南达科他州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
田纳西州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  田纳西州牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
德州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  德克萨斯州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
犹他州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  犹他州 Board of Dentist and Dental Hygienist Licensing Board Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
佛蒙特州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  佛蒙特州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
维吉尼亚州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  弗吉尼亚牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
华盛顿 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  华盛顿牙科质量保证委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
西维吉尼亚州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  西弗吉尼亚牙科委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
威斯康辛州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  威斯康星州牙科检查委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves
    怀俄明 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  怀俄明州注册会计师委员会 Dr. 维吉尼亚Hardgraves

状态 信息披露 项目联系
阿拉巴马州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
阿拉斯加 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
亚利桑那州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
阿肯色州 This program meets educational requirements for licensure. 申请注册为 a surgical technologist, visit the 阿肯色州 状态 Medical Board website. 阿什利·史密斯
加州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
科罗拉多州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
康涅狄格 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
特拉华州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
哥伦比亚特区 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
佛罗里达 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
乔治亚州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
夏威夷 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
爱达荷州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
伊利诺斯州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
印第安纳州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
爱荷华州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
堪萨斯 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
肯塔基州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
路易斯安那州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
缅因州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
马里兰 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
麻萨诸塞州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
密歇根 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
明尼苏达州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
密西西比州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
密苏里州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
蒙大拿 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
内布拉斯加州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
新汉普郡 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
内华达 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
新泽西 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
新墨西哥 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
纽约 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
北卡罗莱纳 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
北达科他 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
俄亥俄州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
俄克拉何马州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
俄勒冈州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
宾西法尼亚 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
罗德岛州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
南卡罗来纳 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
南达科塔州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.   阿什利·史密斯
田纳西州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
德州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
犹他州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
佛蒙特州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
维吉尼亚州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
华盛顿 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
西维吉尼亚州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
威斯康辛州 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯
    怀俄明 UAFS has not yet determined whether this degree mets the educational requirements 获取当前状态下的许可证.  阿什利·史密斯

Requirements for EMS licensure vary by state and may involve more than successful 项目完成. Graduates who apply for licensure may need to satisfy other requirements such as completing an application, paying a fee, and passing associated state licensure 考试. Completion of an emergency medical services or emergency medical technology program offered through an 阿肯色州 institution may not qualify a graduate to obtain an emergency medical service license in any other state. 

The UAFS Emergency Medical Service program is approved by the 阿肯色州 Division of 高等教育和阿肯色州卫生部. 成功完成学业的学生 the program and pass all associated state licensure 考试 are eligible to be recommended for Emergency Medical Services licensure in 阿肯色州.

Requirements for social work licensure vary by state and may involve more than successful 项目完成. Graduates who apply for licensure may need to satisfy other requirements such as completing an application, paying a fee, and passing associated state licensure 考试. Completion of a social work licensure program offered through an 阿肯色州 institution may not qualify a graduate to obtain a social work license in any other state.